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  3. EcoVadis awards Westfalen Group with gold medal
Sustainability 25.01.2023

EcoVadis awards Westfalen Group with gold medal

On the right track with the sustainability strategy


The Westfalen Group addresses the issue of sustainability consistently and transparently. For this it has now been awarded a gold medal by EcoVadis. The company, which is headquartered in Münster, is thus among the top 5 percent of all companies evaluated overall.

As the world's largest provider of sustainability rankings for companies, EcoVadis compiles ratings based on international standards, which are distributed across a total of 21 criteria. They focus on the topics of environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

"We want to drive forward our sustainability activities continuously and step by step. The award confirms that we are on the right track with our sustainability strategy," says a delighted CEO Dr Thomas Perkmann.

Over the past year, the Westfalen Group has been working intensively on its sustainability strategy. The starting point for this was a materiality analysis, on the basis of which six strategic fields of action were defined.

1. Sustainable business models.

We transform our business models to make a positive contribution to society and the environment.

2. Locations with a future.

We operate competitively and secure our sites for the long term.

3. Attractive employer.

Our employees are the key to success.

4. Transparency in the supply chain.

We create transparency in our supply chains.

5. Sustainable products and solutions for our customers.

We develop value-driven products and solutions.

6. Acting responsibly.

We act with integrity and transparency.

To underline the seriousness of its corporate responsibility to the outside world as well, Westfalen joined the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. The initiative pursues the vision of an inclusive and sustainable economy, calling on companies to act responsibly.

"As a family-owned company, we have always thought in terms of generations and assumed responsibility in society," Dr Perkmann said of the strategic direction. "Among the major challenges is, of course, the fight against climate change, but sustainability goes much further. As a company, we want to remain fit for the future, both for our employees and for our customers, whom we help to become more sustainable with our products and solutions."

More information on the topic.

Sustainability at Westfalen - Our fields of action for a more sustainable future.