Request GHG quota for e-vehicle - Westfalen AG (PLC)
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Service that pays off:
The fixed GHG premium from Westfalen.

Submit your 2025 bonus now.

80 € bonus for the GHG quota of your e-car.

In order to be able to achieve the goals of the Paris climate protection agreement, the emission of transport-related greenhouse gases must be reduced quickly and massively. Electric cars play a major role in this. With the greenhouse gas reduction quota, the German government has therefore created another climate protection instrument, making the switch to electric mobility even more attractive. Take advantage of this opportunity for you as an owner of an electric vehicle!

We buy the GHG quota of your company car or private vehicle at a fixed price.

Do you run an electric vehicle fleet or are you the private owner of an electric vehicle? Then you've come to the right place. We buy the GHG quota of the following vehicle classes at a fixed price, regardless of whether they are fully electric company cars or private e-vehicles.

Fixed GHG bonus per vehicle class!


Class M1 

Fixed Bonus: 80 €


Class L3e

Fixed Bonus: 80 €


Class M3

Fixed Bonus: 3.000 €

E-commercial vehicles up to 3.5 t

Class N1

Fixed Bonus: 120 €

E-commercial vehicles up to 12 t

Class N2

Fixed Bonus: 850 €

E-commercial vehicles from 12 t

Class N3

Fixed Bonus: 1.400 €

Our GHG service for you:: 

  • Verification of your personal data.
  • Bundled transmission of vehicle registration certificates to the Federal Environment Agency.
  • Payment of the GHG premiums directly after certification by the Federal Environment Agency.

Your benefits at a glance.

Simple registration.

No contract commitment of several years

Processing­status can be viewed at any time.

Guaranteed fixed revenue.

Payment of the bonus within 14 days after approval by the Federal Environment­Agency.

Secure GHG bonus for e-vehicle now! It's that simple:

1. Log in and register:

We only ask for your first and last name and address.

2. Upload vehicle registration document:

Scan and upload the front of your vehicle registration document.

3. Collect GHG bonus: 

Your bonus is paid out immediately after certification be the Federal Environment Agency. This can take up to twelve weeks. You can view the current processing status at any time in the  Online customer portal

General terms and conditions.

What is the GHG quota?

Fossil fuels, such as petrol and diesel, still cause the most greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, the legislator obliges companies that manufacture or distribute such products to reduce the environmentally harmful CO2 emissions by a fixed percentage (= greenhouse gas reduction quota).

To meet the GHG quota, oil companies can either put more alternative fuels on the market or blend them with fossil fuels. If the legally prescribed reduction target cannot be achieved in this way, it is also possible to buy unused reduction quotas from others. In this case, we speak of GHG quota trading

GHG quota trading: This is how easy it is for owners of e-vehicles to profit.

Do you operate an electric fleet or own a fully electric e-car privately­? Then, according to the 38. Federal Immission Control Ordinance (38. Bundesimmissionsschutzverordnung), you are entitled to transfer the GHG quota of your e-car­to a company subject to the quota and collect an annually recurring GHG bonus in return. A photo or scan of the vehicle registration document ­serves as proof.

GHG quota: Facts and figures at a glance.

Who can sell the GHG quota?

  • Owners - not drivers - of e-cars and users of leased electric vehicles.
  • Business people and individuals.

Which vehicles are considered?

  • Purely battery electric vehicles of the EC vehicle classes M1, M3, N1, N2, N3 as well as two-wheelers requiring registration
  • Company cars, private e-vehicles, leased vehicles.
  • Vehicles without registration (with insurance license plates, such as 50cc e-scooters) are no longer eligible for premiums

How often can the GHG quota be applied for?

  • Annual recurring: Maximum once per year and e-vehicle.

What deadlines must be observed?

  • The application for the GHG quota for the current year must be submitted to the Federal Environment Agency by 15th of November of the current year.

Submit your 2025 GHG quota by October 31, 2025!

Please submit applications for the 2025 GHG bonus by midnight on 31.10.2025. We will not be able to submit applications that reach us after this deadline to the Federal Environment Agency within the statutory period.

How much can e-car drivers earn?

The GHG quota for 2024 is 9.35 percent. It will be gradually increased to 25 per cent by 2030. The calculation is based on an estimated value, which is determined annually by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. Since the emission savings vary per vehicle type, the reduction rate also varies depending on the vehicle type. In contrast, the origin and quantity of the electricity used and the mileage do not play a role.

Sell GHG quota directly or via intermediaries?

GHG certificates are marketed exclusively via GHG quota traders. Supply and demand determine the price. If the price is low, your GHG bonus will also be significantly lower. You can avoid the risk of fluctuating market prices by choosing an intermediary that pays fixed premiums.

Westfalen: Competent full-service partner for holistic mobility solutions.

Renowned family busi­ness with 100 years of experience. As the operator of the largest independent ­petrol station​​​​​​​ net­work in­ Germany, we are part­of the climate problem­. We are aware of the resulting​​​​​​​­responsibility. That is why we have been focusing on alternative fuels­for years. From e-mobility and hydrogen​​​​​​​­to bio-gas in the form of LNG and CNG. In addition, we develop mobility solutions and digital­services with a future.­

FAQ - Your questions, our answers.

Does the GHG quota bonus have to be taxed?

For companies and e-fleet operators, the GHG bonus is taxable business income. For private individuals, the environmental bonus remains tax-free.

Which vehicles can be registered to get the GHG quota?

All 100 percent electric vehicles (not hybrid vehicles) with a valid road registration can be registered. "Electric" must be indicated under P.3 of your vehicle registration document.

Certification of electricity quantities for vehicles that do not require registration, such as e-scooters (Section 3, Paragraph 3 of the Vehicle Registration Ordinance), can only be issued if a separate estimated value has been announced for the corresponding vehicle class (Section 7, Paragraph 1). This is not currently the case, which is why no electricity quantities can be certified for vehicles that do not require registration until further notice. Therefore, applications for vehicles that do not require registration should be refrained from.

How often can one apply for the GHG quota?

The greenhouse gas reduction quota can be applied for a maximum of once per vehicle per calendar year. In the following year, the vehicle registration document must be sent again to the Federal Environment Agency as proof.

When will the GHG quota be paid out?

With the increase of the GHG quota to 7 per cent, demand has increased significantly. Currently, the Federal Environment Agency needs up to twelve weeks for testing and certification. We therefore ask for a little patience. However, you can check the processing status at any time in our Online customer portal.

Can I upload several vehicle documents at the same time?

Yes, you can upload as many vehicle documents of different vehicle classes as you like in our online portal.

Who is entitled to submit the vehicle registration certificate?

It is important that you are noted as the vehicle owner:in the registration certificate part 1. It must be a purely electric vehicle (vehicle registration certificate P.3 = electric). The vehicle must be registered in Germany for the applicable year.

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E-mobility for
Charging at the workplace
Charge company car at home

Westfalen Mobility Portal: Central online customer portal for mobilists.

  • 24/7 online charge card management.
  • Fleet@Home: Fully automated billing solution for charging company cars at home.
  • Convenient, online GHG quota sales.