When sustainability
becomes tangible.
Then this is Westfalen.
In the following, we present our fields of action. We will give you an insight into our implementation within the fields of action with which we make our contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are a company that is aware of its impact on the environment and society. We see both the opportunities and the risks of our work. We want to transform business models with a high environmental impact into profitable business models that conserve resources. At the same time, this will secure our future viability.
We have set ourselves the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our sold energy sources by 20% by 2030 compared to 2019. Renewable energies and alternative fuels play an important role in this. Westfalen is and will remain a mobility provider and wants to actively shape the transition - away from fossil fuels. We are open to technology and invest in various future-fit motive energies such as biogas in the form of CNG and LNG, hydrogen and e-mobility.
We support our customers in the safe use of our products on site. At the same time, we ensure the quality of our products. We promote the development of more environmentally friendly products and offer our customers solutions to become more sustainable themselves. In doing so, we are happy to be there for our customers, meet their expectations and convince them with our products and service.
In order to control and accelerate the development of our portfolio, we have developed a rating system for our products and services: Better Progress. Our claim: progress - better, more sustainable progress.
The evaluation system consists of various criteria that are based on the SDGs and the goals of the EU taxonomy. The products evaluated can reach three different levels: Secure, Grow and Lead. The Lead level is the highest level that can be achieved. Your products have no negative impact on the SDGs and also meet at least one criterion that sets them apart from comparable products. So that our customers can easily recognize these pioneering products, we plan to mark them with a “Better Progress” note in the future.
Further information about "Better Progress" can be found in our sustainability report.
Through our certified environmental and energy management systems, we address our impact on the environment systemically and seek to minimise it. We reduce our consumption of resources such as energy and water and lower our greenhouse gas emissions along our value chain while keeping our sites competitive. The goal is to maintain our sites in the long term through investment and further automation.
We aim to reduce our own direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions3 by 50% by 2030 compared to 2019, and to be climate neutral4 as the Westfalen Group by 2045.
As a company, we are actively involved in climate protection. That is why we are involved in Münster's Alliance for Climate Protection. The alliance of numerous companies and institutions was initiated by the city of Münster.
As the Westfalen Group, we have decided to invest in our own climate protection project in accordance with the international Gold Standard. The investment allows us to act more independently of the market and to ensure the additionality and permanence of the project's carbon sequestration. The project aims to equip around 400 facilities in Nepal with water treatment plants so that local households and communities are supplied with treated drinking water. The focus is on equipping schools with sanitation facilities. Further information on the project can be found here.
The safety and health of our employees is close to our hearts! They are a core value and an ethical responsibility for us as a company. We protect our employees from dangers and accidents and promote their health. At the same time, it is important to us to challenge and promote their knowledge and skills: both professional and interdisciplinary (further) development. We create a working environment in which continuous and lifelong learning as well as efficient and collaborative work is possible.
The integration of occupational safety into all hierarchical levels, combined with open communication, forms the foundation of efficient and preventive occupational safety and health protection. The fact that occupational health and safety activities are also carried out in close cooperation with authorities, accident insurance institutions, associations and other parties is an outstanding feature.
We create a working environment in which continuous and lifelong learning as well as efficient and collaborative work is possible. A diverse workforce and equal opportunities are a matter of course for us. This orientation makes an important contribution to our business success, because openness and diversity create a culture of creativity and company-wide exchange.
As an employer, we have signed this initiative to promote diversity in companies and institutions because diversity in the world of work is important to us. We believe that everyone deserves the same opportunities to develop their potential and grow professionally.
As part of the audit, we have developed measures with which we, as the Westfalen Group, orient our personnel policy towards family and life phases. Since 2016 we have been certified by the audit berufundfamilie.
We are aware of our social responsibility and are expressly committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact Initiative, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. They are the foundation of our behaviour and actions, which we also expect from our suppliers. Through exchange with them, we promote transparency in the supply chain and encourage them to observe social and ecological aspects.
Accordingly, we have integrated various activities into our purchasing and have already achieved some:
We base all our actions and conduct on the law and our corporate values. We are committed to ensuring that our business activities comply with applicable law, that we live up to our social responsibility and that we live by principles such as integrity, tolerance, respect, honesty, equal opportunities and fairness as irrevocable components of our company. Our communication is transparent and appropriate to the target group. In our sustainability communication, we include the requirements of our stakeholders and report transparently on our goals and progress.
Our compliance organisation constantly deals with compliance matters and their further development. Our Head of Legal & Compliance regularly reports to the Executive Board on compliance matters. Our employees receive regular training on compliance issues.
As an internationally active company, the Westfalen Group is subject to a large number of laws, directives, regulations and ordinances. In addition to compliance with regulations, honesty and integrity are important values which we have set out in a Code of Conduct.
With its voluntary commitment to the principles of the UN Global Compact, the Westfalen Group would like to give additional expression to its stance. Forced labour and child labour are strictly prohibited and equal opportunities and fair working conditions are advocated. Violations of human rights are strictly pursued and punished.
Should questions or doubts arise regarding the orientation or evaluation of personal actions, our employees can contact their manager, the board of directors or the management, the Legal & Compliance department or the works council at any time. In addition, we offer all internal and external stakeholders a whistleblower system through which violations can be reported (anonymously). The information received is treated as strictly confidential. Reports received are reviewed. If there is a compliance violation, appropriate measures are initiated.
1 CO2-neutral through compensation or avoidance and reduction, if possible
2 CO2-neutral through avoidance, reduction and compensation
3 Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1 and 2
4 Greenhouse gas emissions Scope 1 and 2 and selected categories Scope 3