Sustainability at the Westfalen Group - Westfalen AG (PLC)
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When every step opens up a piece of the future.
Then this is Westfalen.


Sustainability Report 2023



Sustainability at the Westfalen Group.

As a family business, we have always thought in terms of generations and assumed responsibility for society. In doing so, we also face up to the challenges of climate change and drive sustainable corporate development.

Our understanding of sustainability.

Sustainability is an important part of our corporate strategy. We integrate sustainability aspects into our business models and processes in a targeted manner in order to position our company for the future. In doing so, our goal is to support our customers on the path to sustainable progress with our products and services.

At the same time, we remain competitive and financially independent, because only an economically successful company can fulfil its corporate responsibility. We do not see sustainability as a one-off action, but rather as an ongoing process, a constant learning and further development, which we approach step by step, together and transparently.

Six strategic fields of action.

At Westfalen, we have defined six fields of action in order to make our contribution to a more sustainable future. We have set ourselves concrete goals for each of these fields of action and have already implemented some of them!

Our fields of action, goals and implementation

Our fields of action for a more sustainable future.

Future fit business models.

Establishment and development of new, sustainable business models.

Sustainable products and solutions for our customers.

Future-fit products and expertise in gaseous and liquid hazardous substances.

Sites for tomorrow.

Securing the operation in the long term, competitiveness and environmental protection.

Attractive employer.

Health and safety as well as the promotion and development of employees. In addition, openness, diversity and equal opportunities.

Transparency in the supply chain.

Environmental and social standards in the supply chain.

Acting responsibly.

Compliance and Integrity and Communication.

Organisational responsibility for sustainability in the Westfalen Group.

  • Responsibility for sustainability lies with the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).
  • Important decisions for the company are made by the Sustainability Committee, consisting of the Executive Board and the Board of Directors.
  • The sustainability activities in the company are controlled and further developed by an interdisciplinary sustainability team consisting of representatives from different departments.
  • Our sustainability manager heads the sustainability team and coordinates all major sustainability issues in the Westfalen Group.

Dr Thomas Perkmann, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Westfalen Group:

"As a family business, we have always thought in terms of generations and assumed responsibility for society. One of the major challenges is, of course, the fight against climate change. But sustainability goes much further. As a company, we want to remain fit for the future, both for our employees and for our customers, to whom we offer support in becoming more sustainable on the path to sustainable progress with our products and services."

Westfalen supports the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact.

In order to demonstrate our corporate responsibility to external stakeholders as well, Westfalen supports the United Nations Global Compact - the world's largest initiative for sustainable and responsible corporate governance. The UN Global Compact strives for a more inclusive and sustainable economy and calls on companies to act more responsibly.

Awards and ESG ratings.

Gold medal from EcoVadis for the Westfalen Group.

The Westfalen Group's sustainability activities have once again been recognized by EcoVadis, the leading sustainability assessment platform. The Gold Medal confirms that Westfalen is among the top 5% of all companies rated by EcoVadis for their commitment to the environment, labor, human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Following a top performance in 2024 (Platinum Medal), the Westfalen Group continues its commitment at a high level. In 2023, Westfalen was already awarded the second-best award, the Gold Medal. The award confirms the Westfalen Group's sustainability strategy and strengthens its position in the market at a time when customers are placing increasing value on working with companies that demonstrate sustainability.

Westfalen Sustainability Report 2023

Step by step, together and transparently – in our first sustainability report for 2023, we give our stakeholders a comprehensive insight into how we implement and further develop sustainability. We share our successes to date and our plans for a sustainable future – for our company, our society and our environment.

Sustainability Report 2023

Learn more about our activities around sustainability.

Fields of action, goals & implementation
Sustainable products
Annual reports
Vision + Mission