Propellant gas for forklift trucks: Maximum mobility! - Westfalen AG (PLC)
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When "bang, bang" reduces operating costs. Then it's WestfalenGas.

Propellant gas for forklift trucks: Maximum mobility.

The diesel model emits odors in your hall and leaves an unsightly residue on the goods being moved? The electric version may be quiet and clean, but it often gets its wheels stuck in its hull at the charging station? In this case, you are absolutely right to consider LPG forklifts! They are powerful and durable like diesel forklifts, environmentally friendly like electric forklifts, and typically more cost-effective than both options. With liquefied petroleum gas as the fuel for your forklift fleet, you are in an advantageous position. When you partner with Westfalengas, you receive excellent advice and the right LPG supply concept tailored to your needs right away. This allows you to maintain the highest possible mobility for your forklift fleet while minimizing overall costs!

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Drive for cost reducers: forklift gas, WestfalenGas brand.

With our Westfalengas brand fuel gas and an individually customized service package, you are on your way to cutting costs. Either with gas cylinders for quick cylinder changes. Or with a customised propellant gas filling station for you.

Clean and powerful: propellant gas for gas forklifts.

Why brood over either-or when propellant gas is the solution? See for yourself:

  Propellant gas Diesel Electric
High performance even on uneven terrain  
Almost around the clock
Can be used in multi-shift ope­ration
Short stand and set-up times  
Low-emis­sion, clean drive -
good for the envi­ron­ment and the life of the engine
Outdoor and indoor ope­ration  
Manage­able acqui­sition costs    
Manage­able costs / hour of ope­ration    


Propellant gas cylinder or tank? We'll find out!

Which mobility concept is best for your fleet? Are our practical exchangeable gas cylinders the ideal solution for you? Or is your own LPG filling station the most economical way? Westfalengas can do both: let's find out together which supply option is right for you!

How large is your forklift fleet? What are the operating hours? What loads are moved where? The Westfalengas energy experts develop concrete recommendations from the answers.

Small fleet? Propellant gas in gas cylinders.

If you have a maximum of three forklift trucks on the road, it probably makes sense to supply propellant gas in exchangeable cylinders. These are available at Westfalengas as classic red deposit bottles. Or in the innovative blue Conneo-Flasche with super practical click-on system. By the way, you can cover larger regular requirements very smartly via Westfalen's online shop for cylinder gases. For irregular lower demand you can find Westfalengas dealers in all parts of Germany Westfalengas dealers –  Buy gas cylinders near you.

Cylinder change in the twinkling of an eye: Conneo propellant gas cylinder.

Stop, change, go on: With Conneo, the inno­vative propellant gas cylin­der from West­falengas, the set-up times of your trucks are re­duced by up to 50 %! Be­cause the clever click-on sys­tem allows the bottle to be changed in no time at all, with­out tools. The time sav­ings are enor­mous and your set-up times are no­tice­ably reduced. The inte­grated non-return valve keeps the fuel clean, pro­tects the lines and the fork­lift engine and also reli­ably excludes un­con­trolled gas leaks. The Conneos - just like our stan­dard pro­pel­lant cylin­ders - are avail­able through­out Germany: directly from our fac­tories or from one of our dealers:

Buy gas cylinders - Nearby

That's how quickly you're back on track after a bottle change:

Attach bottle.

Attach the bottles firmly to the fork-lift truck with the collar opening facing downwards.

Introduce the hose.

Attach the hose with the adapter to the side of the Conneo bottle.


Put on the adapter.

Place the adapter on the valve of the Conneo bottle.


Press the adapter onto the valve.

Press the adapter onto the valve with a firm jerk until a clicking sound can be heard.


Open the tap.

Open the tap of the adapter by turning it 90°.

Start stacker.

Start the stacker - enjoy Conneo. Quick change is very easy.

Detach the adapter.

To detach the adapter from the Conneo bottle, close the tap by turning it 90°. Then push the tap inwards.

Pull off the adapter.

After the click sound, pull the adapter off the Conneo bottle valve.

Medium or large fleet? Propellant gas via petrol station.

Numerous trucks, a multitude of tasks? With a Westfalen LPG filling station, your fleet stays on the move around the clock. With as few as three forklifts, your own filling system can pay for itself. But before that, you can count on us - and on our expertise. We determine your exact requirements and the conditions on site, then we plan and set up the LPG filling station. And individually optimised for your needs.

  • From the above-ground compact system to the underground storage tank with separately installed dispenser.
  • If desired, with our patented collision protection system, static proof included.
  • If desired, with a fuel terminal that records all fuel data and evaluates it for fleet optimisation.

We provide comprehensive advice, obtain all necessary permits, assemble the system ready for operation and coordinate the acceptance by an approved testing organisation. We also take care of the liquefied petroleum gas tank inspection according to prescribed intervals. Energy supplies for their company filling station are contractually guaranteed to arrive by road tanker.

Almost anything goes: implementation variants of LPG filling stations.

Storage tank, pump, dispenser, with counter on request, completely pre-assembled on a steel frame: That is the Westfalengas LPG filling station in its compact basic version. It is quickly installed, fits almost anywhere and takes up hardly any space.

WestfalenGas LPG filling stations are available as compact systems in three sizes.

The space saver 2.700 Litres.

The middle class: 4.850 Litres.

The large one: 6.400 Litres.

WestfalenGas LPG filling stations allow the storage tank and dispenser to be installed separately.

Above-ground container.

Underground tank that can be driven over.

Separately placed filling cabinet with container stored above or below ground.

All-round safety: collision protection system for your LPG filling station.

The Westfalengas collision protection system protects the storage tank of your LPG filling station from collision damage. The system even keeps 40-ton trucks at a distance. The elements can also be easily dismantled after use and reused elsewhere. Each Westfalen collision protection element has its own serial number, to which, among other things, the static proof is already assigned.


Fuel terminal for more cost transparency.

The optional fuel dispenser enables demand-oriented data collection and evaluation. The legitimisation can be done, for example, with a personalised chip, a magnetic card or a secret code.

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about propellant gas for forklift trucks.

What benefits does utilizing propellant gas offer as a propulsion source for forklift trucks?

LPG as a drive for forklifts combines the power of a diesel forklift with the cleanliness of an electric forklift. In outdoor use, a LPG truck is as robust as a diesel-powered industrial truck. At the same time, forklifts are predestined for indoor use: Low emissions protect employees from health hazards and goods from unpleasant deposits.

How secure is the use of propellant gas as a forklift truck propulsion method?

Propellant gas as a drive for forklift trucks is safe. As with all combustibles and hazardous substances, the following applies: Proper handling in everyday use and compliance with all safety regulations protect against risks.

What expenses are associated with employing propellant gas for propulsion?

The cost of using LPG to power forklift trucks depends on various factors such as the layout of your LPG supply, the application profile, consumption and size of the truck. We will be happy to calculate for you what this means in concrete terms and how much savings potential there is for you. Just ask us.

Drive better: With propellant gas, WestfalenGas brand.

Starting when would you prefer to realize time and cost savings through your customized supply solution for forklift gas? Arrange a no-obligation consultation with your Westfalengas energy expert now.