CO2-neutral air gases - Westfalen AG (PLC)
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Step by step to more climate protection.
With CO2-neutral air gases from Westfalen.

CO2-neutral air gases from Westfalen. Argon (LAR), oxygen (LOX) and nitrogen (LIN).

Whether on the streets during "Fridays for Future", in the parliaments of the federal government and the European Union, or among customers and consumers: The demand for more climate protection is omnipresent and is reflected in concrete climate targets. Germany wants to achieve climate neutrality by 2045. Avoiding, reducing and offsetting emissions that are harmful to the climate is the great task of our time.

Join in!
Choose Westfalen's CO2-neutral air gases - argon, oxygen and nitrogen - and reduce your carbon footprint.

We offer the CO2-neutral variant for the liquid products LIN, LAR and LOX - and for all qualities, regardless of the intended use.
You can also obtain our Protadur®  Brand liquid nitrogen, argon and oxygen for foodstuffs as well as our medical gases or Corpadur® N (liquid nitrogen as a medical product) CO2-neutral on request.  

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Compensation for conventional electricity generation.

Air gases are those gases that are found in our normal ambient air. These include argon, oxygen and nitrogen. In order to extract these gases and fill them into bottles or tanks, we separate the ambient air into its components. The complex process, in which the air is cooled down to the liquefaction temperature, requires a lot of electricity. Around 40 percent of electricity generation in Germany is still based on fossil fuels. The use of electricity in our air separation plants therefore produces emissions. And it is precisely these emissions that we offset - taking into account the upstream chain and, if necessary, the subsequent transport.


Standardised calculation - careful project selection.

We calculate the greenhouse gas emissions, expressed in CO2 equivalents (CO2e), that result from the production of the air gases you purchase according to reputable standards using the ProBas library of the German Federal Environment Agency. We also take into account those process steps that are upstream of our air separation plants (upstream chain).

If required, we will also be happy to add those emissions that occur during the transport of air gases from our plants to your delivery address.

We offset the total CO2e emissions by purchasing emission reduction certificates from international climate protection projects. When selecting climate protection projects, we carefully ensure that the activities supported promote the expansion of renewable energies and have a positive impact on the population and the environment.

We are currently investing in the following initiatives:

Biogas plants for smallholders.

  • Location: Hunan Province, China
  • Project: Anhua Biogas Project – Clean energy generation in disadvantaged households
  • Project standard: Gold Standard

Anhua Project Profile

Hydroelectric Power Station for Vietnam.

  • Location: Dak Nong Province, Vietnam
  • Project: 144MW Hydroelectric Power Station - Clean power generation on the Dong Nai River
  • Project standard: CDM

Hydroelectric Power Station Project Profile

Wind power for China.

  • Location: Inner Mongolia, China
  • Projekt: Wind Power  Project – Clean energy generation in Inner Mongolia
  • Project standard: CDM

Wind Power Project Profile

Would you like to obtain CO2-neutral air gases and reduce your CO2 footprint? Simple request - fast implementation.

1. Submit a request for CO2-neutral gases.

You contact your personal con­tact per­son or use the enquiry form and tell us which pro­ducts you would like to pur­chase in a CO2-neutral way. You can choose from our en­tire li­quid port­folio for ni­tro­gen, argon and oxy­gen. You also spe­cify whe­ther you want us to take into ac­count only the emis­sions from pro­duc­tion or also those from trans­​​​​​​​port in the CO2e offset.

2. Westfalen calculates CO2e emissions.

Your Westfalen team calculates how many CO2e emissions are generated in the production/transport of your product and tells you the price for offsetting.

3. Proof of saved emissions.

We show the costs for CO2e compensation on your invoice. If you wish, you can also receive proof of the emissions saved once a year.

Offsetting CO2 emissions is a first step:

Join us on the road to more climate protection!

Are you familiar with our other gases designed for enhanced climate protection?

Pronat® R-744 – Bottled climate protection.

Our refrigerant Pronat® R-744 s TÜV-certified as a climate-neutral product. It is produced with green electricity.

Pronat® R-744 Carbon dioxide

Hydrogen: the future for energy and mobility.

Whether industrial processes, heat supply or mobility: as an expert in hydrogen, Westfalen supports customers from various sectors on their way to a clean future.

Hydrogen for the energy transition

Request individual advice now.

Join in! Choose Westfalen's CO2-neutral air gases - argon, oxygen and nitrogen - and reduce your carbon footprint.